Monday, February 20, 2017

Candle Color Page removed~~~New one in it's place

Hello Everyone,

I've had to remove the old "Candle Colors and their Meanings" Page.

I've found out that Blog Spot will only hold up to 200 comments per Post,  that is why anyone who may have posted a comment or a question under that page, did not get posted.

I was planning to revise the Candle Colors page anyway, but I had hope to keep the comments on it.

But evidently Blog Spot has it's limitations in the comments portion of it and it was reached in that one.

To any of you that shared that page, you may want to look at the new one it is now Listed as a Reference List to Candle Colors and their Meanings.  Enjoy looking at it as I've included double and triple action candles as well as reversing and reversing action (aka blood) candles.  As I've said Enjoy.

I will keep the open letter to EDC up for 2 more days and then I will remove it.  In the interest of Privacy.

I am still working on another post,  but with all the heavy rains here----and I DO mean heavy, I have been delayed to direct my attention to repairs caused by wind and rain damage that needed immediate work.

Some people say that if it wasn't for the dams (still holding precariously) we would be having a Noachien Flood of most of this state, that is a Flood of almost biblical proportions.  It now means that serious work on the infrastructure seriously needs to be attended to.

Hubby and I need to with the house,  I've never said this before but I'm saying it now---Pray for Sunshine.

Bright Blessings
Ms. Q


  1. Sad to hear hope for best. Tis right Americas infrastructure needs to be fixed but it seems to be a non concern for voters. Not sure why.

    I be notice you do not have psalms listed. Did I over look it? If not, could you write more on the subject? Which ones are best for divine guidance? I'm trying to settle a debate of which with other friends.

    1. Hello my Dear,

      You know you are right I have not posted a list of psalms that would be good for different situations.

      I hope to have that up in a few days as a post and eventually as a reference page.

      Be on the watch for it. And thank you for reminding me.

      About the infrastructure, people hate to be taxed, especially since it appears that a lot of money is being wasted on what is called "Pork Barrel" politics.

      And when people see how much those in charge are being paid, well it makes them furious---so I'd have to say it's the fault of the politicians for really not doing their job.

      I'll get on that list a psalms ASAP. Thank you again.

      Bright Blessings,
      Ms. Q

  2. Hi, I have a question. I recently got a candle burned and this was the results
    the candle burned leaving a band of opaque, black soot, around the top half of the glass.Does this means I will get what I want but it would take time, thanks.

    1. Hello my Dear,

      I found your other posts, and I replied to them on the other section, please check there.

      Bright Blessings,
      Ms. Q
