Monday, February 27, 2017

What Psalms to use in doing the work~~~~

Hello Everyone,

I’ve been asked to do a list of the Psalm and what do they do, or what Psalm will work best for a situation especially if you are doing the work in hoodoo or conjure.

Many people have great faith in the power of the Psalms, but I want to make it very clear to everyone the psalms are not meant to replace proper medical treatments, legal or financial advice, or for religious, psychological or emotional consoling or therapy.   If you are in need of help in that or any other situation, seek the appropriate aid or help.  The psalms and any associated rituals with them, are meant to be a spiritual aid in addition to seeking proper aid in the real world.  Remember God helps those who help themselves, so seek advice or treatment as well as praying the psalms for spiritual support.


One of the most powerful books in doing the work is----o.k. this is going to surprise you---it is the Bible, the good old-fashion Christian Bible, now it doesn’t matter of it’s the Catholic Version or the King James Version (although the King James did cut out a couple of books the Catholic one is more complete)  but either way it is the most powerful book to have in one’s home and as one of your most important tomes when doing the work.

Prayer is a form of spell shaping or binding, so some people would classify especially the Book of Psalms as a grimoire or spell book although there are verses in other sections of the Bible that are also powerful (and I’ll mention those further down) there are spells or chants in there for just about everything from victory in war, healing, love, hexing, the wording of the psalms can be extremely powerful than any chant that most wiccans and witches can make up.   And if it were to be chanted in Latin or even in the original Aramaic, that can be some powerful fire power.   And you don’t have to use the entire Psalm but those lines that are directly pertinent to the Working that you are doing.

Let me make this clear, conjure work or hoodoo is not a religion as oppose to Voodoo or Santeria or even Wicca.  It is separate from any religious belief, it is a system of spiritual practices and magic, it is really working the energies that are around you and within you.  It is uniquely American developed magical workings, it’s mixed with Pennsylvania Dutch Pow-Wow which uses prayers, those workings especially in Foot track magic brought over by the slaves, some Native American workings, but also Bible belief.

During the slavery period and even after when everyone was afraid of corrupt politicians, and greedy land grabbers it developed and evolved in the USA especially down South and in New Orleans in the shadow of the larger culture of Christianity in a pre-dominant white society. This an American created form of magic that adjusts, adapts and evolves itself to the larger culture around it--absorbing what its practioners can and want to use.  So in areas where Christian Catholicism was dominant, practitioners often used Catholic prayers. In areas where there were different churches of Christian Protestantism was dominant, bible verses, from the King James Version, were employed.

In the late 1930’s Godfrey Selig’s book, “Secrets of the Psalms, A Fragment of the Practical Kabala” was made available in English and was used by some conjure doctors in the south. (Catherine Yronwode wrote a great article, SECRETS OF THE PSALMS, where she examines Selig's book and its involvement history and practice.) Some versions of the 18th century Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses contain information on the magical uses of the biblical Psalms. By the 19th century, an English language version of the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses was one of the magical "recipe-books" used by African-Americans.

For example, Protestant Southern Baptists also believed firmly in the strength of scripture and the power of God's word to cure the spiritual and physical woes of mankind.

You have to understand the Bible was not just a book about the history of the Jewish people and the laws they set down in the Old Testament, nor is it just the teachings of Jesus and his apostles in the New Testament, in many parts of the Bible are sentences, phases and whole prayers that can invoke, when done right, some pretty powerful effects.

I could go on and on about the history of using the Psalms or passages from the Bible but that would take up too much space.  I recommend that you Dear Reader, will learn more about the Psalms and the means of using their magical powers, by reading  POWERS OF THE PSALMS By Anna Riva and SUCCESS AND POWER THROUGH THE PSALMS By Donna Rose.

I’m going to post here a couple of easy reference guides for the use of specific Psalms in conjure or ritual work, and in some situations you can use these Psalms with specific candles like Road Opener or Peace.   If you cannot get specific metaphysical candles or do not have a metaphysical store in your town, you can get candles and most color candles you can find in any Grocery Store or Drug store or even a Dollar or Dollar City store, or Wal-mart.

There are certain colors you can use White in general , Green for finance, Purple in dealing with legal or governmental matters against evil of any kind or to seek justice,  Blue for travel, healing or dealing with people,  Red and Pink for love or family situations , either to attract or repel/banish.

For years the Psalms have been used with surprising results for spell work in hoodoo. The following list will aid you in deciding which Psalms for your situation.

This first table will be about situations or subject,  the 2nd table will list the Psalms by number and then what they can be used for in some cases it may seem to run counter between the two tables, but when you read the Psalm you’ll get the feeling which one will work the best. 

Abandonment    12
Accidents, To avoid ...  64
Anger (to reduce/remove)  4, 36
Banish Spirits from your home   29
Beneficent works   23
Blasphemy  23, 113
Blessings  23, 65
Blessing a new home  61
Bullies   129, 142
Business (honest)   101
Character (good)   20, 21
Charm friends   111
Chastity  11, 23
Childbirth/Labor   91
Children (to calm & pacify)  131
Clarity (of thought)   55
Cleansing & purifying   Psalm26  line 6, Psalm 51 line 7
Comfort (from loss) 10
Crops (abundant)  33
Courtroom successful outcome  5, 94
Debt (removal)   127
Demons, To exorcise ... psalm 29  (Verse 1).
Disputes solved    3
Divination    23
Dream interpretation    psalm 23, psalm 42 lines 1 through 8
Emergency help (from the Divine)  70
Employment/Job/Work  8, 26, 58, 61, 62
Empowerment (with other Psalms as well)   29 , recite after the other psalms for a particular subject
Enemies, Protection from ... 64
Enlightenment/Knowledge    93
Exams    111
Family peace    112
Fears & Phobias   112
Financial & banking dispute   psalm 119 lines 17 through 24
Forgiveness   19, 32, 38, 51
Gambling luck   23
Good luck   4
Gossip   5, 17, 73, 90, 120, 140
Healing   113
Healing (broken bones)  psalm  6 line 2
Healing (eyes)  psalm 6  lines 6 through9
Healing (from brink of death)  30
Healing (from surgery)   146
Healing (headache or backache)   3
Healing (illness/sickness)  6, 107
Healing (pain)  3, 16, 91
Healing (pain in legs, thighs, & hips)  142
Healing (psychological)  13, 102
Hex breaking  psalm 7 lines 1 through 10
Hope  13
Hostage situations  107, 137
Justice (Divine)  7, 50, 75, 82, 94
Justice, ... to triumph.  94
Justice (legal)  10, 50, 59, 82, 94
Justice (for traitors)   64
Legal advice about money & finances   119
Legal dealings with government & bureaucrats   5
Love & romance, to attract   psalm 111  line 4
Love (of/by God)   36, 103
Love (peace)      62
Luck   23, 65

Luck... in all of one's affairs.  65
Magic’s (to stop harmful)  94
Material gains  132:12-18
Money, - To attract ...  Psalm 119  Verse 17-24
New endeavor blessings & luck   65
Oppression - Escape from .. 129.
Passing Over   91
Persecution & oppression  11, 12, 129
Persecution (unjust)   35
Proselytizers (to stop)  36
Prosperity (financial)   23
Prosperity (of country)  18
Prosperity (of finding a home)   126
Prosperous business   5
Protection   23, 59, 64
Protection (from attack)  64
Protection (from magic)  7, 140
Protection (from misfortune)  34
Protection (from natural disasters)   29, 119
Protection (from negative entities/energies) 7, 11, 16, 17, 30, 56, 125
Protection (from storms)  psalm 29 lines 3 and 4
Protection (from theft)  28
Protection (from wars)  119
Protection (of children)  127
Protection (of newborns)  136
Rain (to bring)   133
Reconciliation   38, 85
Recover from severe illness   psalm 30  lines 11 and 12
Repel evil   52
Secrets (to be kept)  54
 Sickness, - Recovery from ... Psalm 30  Verse 11-12
Sleep   4, 125
Soften/Sweeten (a hard heart)  53
Storm, For protection from ... 29  Verse 3-4
Travel safely over water  64
Travel safely through water  124
Travel safely  27, 104, 107
Travel safely among enemies (foreign countries)  125
Travel safely at night   121
Truth (to be seen)   31
Wishes granted   4,  psalm 40 line 5
Worldly Goods, - To acquire ... 132   Verse 12 through 18
Worship   29, 94
For a person who wishes greater spiritual awareness - Psalm 99
Before moving into a new home for luck and blessings - Psalm 61
For all your undertakings to be fortunate and advantageous - Psalm 65
To have good luck in all you do - Psalm 57
To change an unhappy situation into a happy one - Psalm 16
So daily needs can be obtained and avoid harm - Psalm 77
To rid yourself of strong negative influences - Psalm 19
To release from the heart deep seeded hate, envy and spite - Psalm 137
For defense against enemies, rivals and assailants - Psalm 3, 59, 70
For illness or bad health - Psalm 23, 35, 38
For thanksgiving or recovery from illness - Psalm 30
To bring peace or blessings to the home - Psalm 1, 128
For spiritual support in stress or affliction - Psalm 3, 25, 54
To bring harmony between groups or people - Psalm133
To petition for material needs - Psalm 41
For trouble by slander - Psalm 38, 39
To receive grace, love and mercy -Psalm 32
To be respected and loved by others - Psalm 47
To protect against unjust slander - Psalm 36
So idle gossip will not harm you or cause agitation - Psalm 36
For protection from an enemy who will not leave you alone - Psalm 109
To free yourself from harmful or evil habits - Psalm 69
To reconcile with a enemy - Psalm 16
To overcome an enemy in a just manner - Psalm 70
To have more friends - Psalm 111
To keep the love of friends and acquire more friends - Psalm 133
To bring peace and harmony between families - Psalm 98
To do good and avoid evil - Psalm 87
To cast out evil influences from another - Psalm 29
For someone in prison to be released early - Psalm 26
To be safe from any planned robberies or danger - Psalm 50
For safety if traveling alone at night - Psalm 122
For a safe ending in your travels - Psalm 34
To be accepted, liked and respected by all - Psalm 47
To remove negative influences you feel around yourself - Psalm 10
To win a lawsuit if opposed by an unjust or revengeful person - Psalm 35
If appearing before a judge and want a favorable verdict – Psalm 20
To receive justice and a favorable hearing from a lawsuit - Psalm 119
For anyone who drinks too much - Psalm 87
If the law is taking measures to punish you - Psalm 35
For reconciling between man and wife - Psalm 45, 46
For possession by an evil spirit - Psalm 66
To revenge yourself from secret enemies - Psalm 53 through 55
IF enemies caused you to lose money and be mistrusted - Psalm 41, 43 ( recite 3 times daily for 3 days with appropriate prayer to your situation)
To overcome trouble and loss from business partners - Psalm 63
To make your home lucky - Psalm 61
To receive holy blessings - Psalm 62
Days of the week
MONDAY # 95, TUESDAY 96, Wednesday 97, Thursday 98, FRIDAY 99, Saturday 100, SUNDAY 110 MORNING, SUNDAY AFTERNOON 106

(I know some folks will ask what color candle to burn with each Psalm when in doubt you can burn a white candle, but usually for any kind of healing Blue, prosperity/fertility Green, Evil of any kind including slander or legal situations or protection Purple,  Love or passion either Pink or Red depending upon how intense you want it.   If you are not sure what color check my page on “Candle Colors and their meaning” to be sure”)

What is said on this list below may differ from the list above but between the two you’ll find what Psalm you’ll need.

Psalm 1                 For a normal timely delivery.     
Psalm 2                 When confronted with a storm of the sea.          
Psalm 3                 For a severe headache or backache.      
Psalm 4                 To bring good luck.                                         
Psalm 5                 To gain favor with persons of authority.
Psalm 6                 To heal the eyes.                                            
Psalm 7                 To overcome evil caused by your enemies.                                                         
Psalm 8                 To win favor in business transactions.    
Psalm 9                 For a sick child.                                                  .
Psalm 10              To remove evil or restless spirits.             
Psalm 11              To overcome fear and slander.                 
Psalm 12              To rise above gossip from enemies.       
Psalm 13              To remain safe for twenty four hours.   
Psalm 14              To gain trust and favor.                                
Psalm 15              To overcome depression.                           
Psalm 16              To be happy.                                                     
Psalm 17              For a safe journey.                                         
Psalm 18              To overcome attackers & robbers.          
Psalm 19              To overcome a serious, confining illness.                                              
Psalm 20              To overcome danger & suffering for a day.                                                         
Psalm 21              To repel a storm at sea.                                
Psalm 22              To repel bad luck.                                            .
Psalm 23              To receive instructions in dreams.           
Psalms 24 & 25 To receive great strength in the face of opposition.                                        
Psalm 26              Against dangers from nature on land or sea.                                                      
Psalm 27              To be accepted in a strange or new place.
Psalm 28              To gain peace with a person you have had a falling out with                                        
Psalm 29              To overpower an evil spirit.                         .
Psalm 30              For power & safety.                                       
Psalm 31              Against slander.                                                               
Psalm 32              For Divine Grace, Love & Mercy.                              
Psalm 33              To prevent the death of young children.              
Psalm 34              To obtain favors from important people.
Psalms 35 & 36 To gain favor in court cases.                       
Psalm 37              To overcome alcoholism.                              .
Psalms 38 & 39 To overcome slander.   
Psalm 40              To free oneself from evil oppression.    
Psalms 41, 42 & 43 To regain credibility after being slandered.
Psalm 44              To be safe from enemies.                           
Psalms 45 & 46 To restore peace & love in relationships.
Psalm 47              To be loved.                                                      
Psalm 48              To overcome those who envy you.         
Psalms 49 & 50  To overcome fever.                                       
Psalm 51              To be free of guilt.                                          
Psalm 52              To rise above slander.                                   
Psalms 53, 54, & 55  To overcome persecution by enemies.         
Psalm 56              To overcome materiality                              
Psalm 57              To attract good fortune                                
Psalm 58              For peaceable communion with animals & nature.                                          
Psalm 59              Against possession of an evil spirit.         
Psalm 60              To remain safe during war.                         
Psalm 61              To have many blessings when moving into a new home.              
Psalm 62              To find forgiveness in your heart.            
Psalm 63              To be free of a business deal.    
Psalm 64              To have a safe & succesful Journey.       
Psalm 65              To have good luck when seeking a better job.   
Psalm 66              Against negative obsessions and compulsions.  
Psalms 67 & 68  to not be brought down by bad events.
Psalms 69 & 70 To break unclean habits.               .
Psalm 71              To help release one from bondage.        
Psalm 72              To have happiness in all types of relationships. 
Psalms 73 to 83 These eleven Psalms are all purpose Psalms.     
Psalm 84              To overcome chronic illness & bad odors.             .
Psalm 85              To restore peace between you & someone.      
Psalms 86, 87 & 88  To bring success to others.   
Psalm 89              for absentee healing.    
Psalm 90              For protection in your dwelling.
Psalm 92              To help yourself be honorable. 
Psalm 93              For aid in court cases.    
Psalm 94              To gain power over an enemy. 
Psalm 95              To help friends who are about to make a grave error.    
Psalms 96 & 97  To bring happiness and blessings to your family.               
Psalm 98              To establish peace among the members of your family.
Psalm 99              To develop inner power.             
Psalm 100            To conquer unknown enemies.
Psalm 101            Against the Evil Eye.       
Psalms 102 & 103              For fertility.       
Psalm 104            To break free from melancholy.               
Psalms 105, 106, & 107   To get rid of fevers         
Psalm 108            To have a bountiful home life.  
Psalm 109            To overcome a strong enemy.  
Psalms 110 & 111  To have charm.            
Psalms 112 & 113  To develop self balance & harmony.  
Psalm 114            For a successful business venture.          
Psalm 115            To teach.            
Psalm 116            For safety.         
Psalm 117            To help you keep your word.     
Psalm 118            To have positive willpower.        
(Psalm 119 has many verses used for healing)
Psalm 119 - Verses 1 thru 8          To help cure shaking limbs.          .
Psalm 119 Verses 9 thru 16          To gain intelligence & improve memory.              
Psalm 119 - Verses 17 thru 24     To help cure eye problems of another. 
Psalm 119 - Verses 25 thru 32     To help cure the left eye.             .
Psalm 119 - Verses 33 thru 40     To aid one's spiritual life.             
Psalm 119 Verses 41 thru 48        To be a positive influence for another.  
Psalm 119 - Verses 49 thru 56     To help a friend conquer melancholy.    
Psalm 119 - Verses 57 thru 64     To cure pains in the upper part of the body.       
Psalm 119 - Verses 65 thru 72     To cure hip pains, kidney or liver problems.        
Psalm 119 - Verses 73 thru 80     To obtain favor with humans.    
Psalm 119 - Verses 81 thru 88     To help cure a burning sore or swelling of the nose.        
Psalm 119 - Verses 89 thru 96     To achieve justice in court cases.             
Psalm 119 - Verses 97 thru 104   To relieve pain in the limbs or hands.     
Psalm 119 - Verses 105 thru 112  To have a safe journey.               .
Psalm 119 - Verses 113 thru 120   To help one talking with a superior.      
Psalm 119 - Verses 121 thru 128 To cure pain in the left arm & hands.       .
Psalm 119 - verses 137 thru 144 To receive intuitive guidance.    
Psalm 119 - Verses 145 thru 152 To cure pain in the leg. 
Psalm 119 - Verses 153 thru 160 To cure a boil in the ear.              
Psalm 119 Verses 161 thru 168   To cure headaches.        
Psalm 120            To receive justice in court.           .
Psalm 121            For safety during travel at night
Psalm 122            for favor when approaching a person of authority.          
Psalm 124            For a safe journey by water.      
Psalm 125            To gain power when enemies seem to overpower you.
Psalm 126 & 127 To bless & protect children.      
Psalm 128            To protect a pregnancy.
Psalm 129            To achieve spiritual power.         
Psalm 131            To overcome pride.        .
Psalm 132            To gain the ability to keep your word.     .
Psalm 133            To gain & keep true friends.                        .
Psalm 136            To break cycles of negativity.                     
Psalm 137            to overcome resentment.                           .
Psalm 138            To attract love and friendship.                   .
Psalm 139            To deepen the love between couples.   .
Psalm 140            To eliminate marriage problems.             
Psalm 141            To get rid of fear.                                             .
Psalms 142  & 143 To relieve pain in the arms and legs.   .
Psalm 144            To speed the healing of broken limbs.   
Psalm 145            To banish evil spirits.                                     
Psalm 146            To cure a wound.                                            
Psalm 147            To cure infections.                                          
Psalms 148 & 149  To prevent destructive fire                    
Psalm 150            To turn sadness into glee.           

I recommend that for reference print out these tables and keep it in your binder for instant information instead of having to go on line.      

But again I want to make it very clear, this is no substitute for the expertise of those professionals whose help you’ll need,  go to your doctor if you are ill, your lawyer if you need legal help, a financial advisor for finances, a counselor for family or work related problems, or your priest, minister or rabbi for issues of faith,  Emergency Services if you, your family or home are in psychical danger, or putting up a security system to protect your home and vehicle. 

The Psalms are for spiritual support while you seek aid from any one of those professionals.  Remember God helps those who help themselves. 

There are some psalms and phrases from the Bible that one does with certain rituals,  I'll be posting those at another time.   This one took some time to put together so it may be awhile.

Bright Blessings,
Ms. Q


  1. I'm not a Christian, so should I just read the Psalm anyway or find something else?

    1. Hello,

      This is Ms. Q's niece.

      I asked her about this and she replied, that it does not matter if you are Christian or not.

      The power is in the words and the supplication to the Divine Presence or energy or whatever you refer to call upon to help you.

      But you must say it with conviction and belief in the power of the words and what "energy" you call upon.

      Bright Blessings from Ms. Q

  2. Dear Ms Queen
    I believe you are a God sent. Please read the card for me my husband paid lobola 14January for me and he passed away on13february now his family wants to take everything from me.we lost a baby last year during pregnancy it was ectopic pregnancy now my womb is always is always painful and sometimes I have a back pain please help me

    1. Hello my Dear,

      Your name is Bob? Is that short for Roberta or are you using someone elses computer?

      First, you need to see a medical doctor about the problems you are having with your womb and your back, if it’s extremely painful during your menses then you need medical attention and you need it now.

      I am concerned with your back problem there could be many reasons why your back hurts, spine dislocation is one but kidneys are another, so it is vital that you get a complete check up by your Doctor and inform him/her of this, they need to do tests.

      On the situation with your family, did your husband die without a will? If so usually his property or his share of joint property goes to the wife, but if this is a same sex marriage there may be legal problems and they will dispute it.

      But if it’s property that was jointly owned by your husband and a family member unless there was a pre-written “quit claim”, your husband’s portion of the property should go to you.

      I drew a card for you and it is the Three of Wands (Virtue), but reversed, this means a great act of betrayal has been set in motion, and in their arrogance they seek to win, they feel the end justifies the means.

      Get a Really good lawyer to help you settle this preferably a female lawyer to protect a widow’s rights.

      Petition St. Expedit for your legal rights, as well as helping you with your medical problems, see my archive section to find those two articles, so you’ll know how to petition him.

      On a separate altar petition Jesus in the form of the Just Judge to help as well. And to Mother Mary for your medical condition.

      But first see a medical doctor and get a lawyer, then do the spiritual second.

      I have you in my prayer circle.

      Bright Blessings,
      Ms. Q

  3. Thank you Ms.Q !!!
    I wish I had half the knowledge you have!! I have a 9 yr old son who is being bullied in school. I am not sure what I can do to help him. He really needs help because he comes home after school sad and miserable and he doesn't even want to go at all many times. I thought of doing a honey spell so he would be liked, but I'm not sure what to do.
    I have spoke with the teachers and the principal already a few times, he even got into a fight with some kids last week.So I am at my wits end. I just want him to have a nice, normal day at school and not mind going to school, and not having to dread it. These psalms will be a good start for us to do something and he can read them along with me...
    If you have any ideas on something I might be able to do to help my little one...that would be great.
    my email is:
    Bless you and all the help you give!!!

    1. Hello DiStrict 4,

      This is Ms. Q’s niece, I spoke to her about your situation and we apologize for getting back to you so late in the school year.

      Ms Q says that in any situation there are always bullies. A honey spell for him to be liked by people especially young people is fine but it is a passive way of achieving action.

      With bullies one has to be pro-active, not only for this school year or what remains of it, but for life.

      The schools of today is not the same of the schools of yesterday when we were young, it’s harder, more aggressive and the children reflect the situations that their parents are in----bullies are people who have low self-esteem, they have been bullied at home, by siblings, by older students and by parents----so they in turn want those who they think are weaker to be “beaten down” just as they have been beaten down.

      If not stopped bullies turn into thugs, you have spoken to the teachers and the principal, it is obvious nothing has happened to stop the bullies.

      Although it is the end of the school year (at least Ms. Q presumes the school takes a summer break) you need to get tough, go back and inform the principal that if the bullying does not stop, if it continues in the next school year, that if action is not taken you will take the school, the teachers, the principal and the school district to court, get the full names of the bullies and tell the principal that you will also sue the parents of those bullies for their lack of discipline of their children, get a lawyer involved, find out from other parents if their children have been bullied by these same “thugs” do a class action suit or at least let the principal know that you and others will not take this anymore. That these “thugs’ are stealing your child’s education and ability to learn because of the fear they attempt to generate and let the Principal know you are tired of it, if nothing is done you will go to court.

      If you choose to not go this route then Ms. Q suggests that you may want to consider putting your boy in to an accredited Charter School or a Parochial School, it would be more expensive but it will help your son have a better education.

      On the spiritual side Ms. Q suggest that you petition St. Michael the Arch Angle to give your son strength to deal with these bullies and to be strong, have him say “St. Michael be my sword and shield in this world” when he is dealing with difficulties.

      Your son is 9 now, in a year he’ll be 10 maybe taller, stronger, wiser but you must do what you can to get him through this, do not be passive, be aggressive. Ms. Q says to not take “no” from the teachers or the principal as an answer, they can do something, it’s obvious they are not, find other parents whose children are having the same problems with these bullies and present a united front, if there is a Parent Teachers Association for his school call upon them and see what they can do and spiritually call upon St. Michael.

      She will be praying for your son.

      Bright Blessings from Ms. Q

  4. Dear Ms Q

    It had been awhile not hearing from you. I hope you are alright.

    Ms. Y

    1. Hello Ms. Y,

      This is Ms. Q's niece.

      If you read the most recent post, Ms. Q broke her ankle and has been in a care facility recovering, she is in good spirits and lots of family whom we haven't seen have been visiting her so it's quite a gathering.

      Ms. Q seems to be coming to a decision about some things but she wants to be sure about her decisions.

      We hope to have her home soon.

      Bright Blessings from Ms. Q to You.

  5. Dear Ms Queen I would like to see psalm for slots or lottery or spell to win at.

    1. Hello My Dear,

      I rarely gamble but when I do I play Texas Hold ‘Em with my nephews I almost always win and they are very good players, so they wonder “How does old auntie do it?”

      On the day that you’re going to gamble allow some time to read these Psalms for luck---eventually you’ll know which ones work best for you.

      Psalms 23, 65, 4, 57, 61, Psalm 119 lines 17 to 24, Psalm 132 Lines 12 to 18,

      I knew this elderly African American couple, he and his wife would ride the Casino Bus to Reno at least 2 times a month and they’d also play at the local legalized card rooms, and they usually come back winners or break even.

      He told me that they allow themselves only a certain amount of money to play, they’d say “Play only what you can afford to lose, never the rent money” but they believed in using the Psalms to get them started, they’d read them first, then wash their hands with either Florida Water, Whisky, Rubbing Alcohol, or if nothing else, wash them with soap and water. They’d have their hands air dry but if using soap and water they’d dry it off with a paper towel.

      They’d used one of the gambling oils like Money Drawing or Attraction Oil, put a little on the palms of their hands rub them together in a fast motion, then with the first 2 fingers of the right hand they’d draw an X on the palm of their left and say the first line of Psalm 23 “The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want” they’d repeat it with the left hand.

      Now some gamblers I’ve been told, will use Black Cat oil, Fast Luck Oil and add a drop of “I Can, You Can’t” oil. They’d also put a drop of Money Drawing oil behind each ear.

      His wife told me that she prefers to play the slot machines that face the main aisle as they pay off a lot better, but if after 4 spins she doesn’t win even a little she goes to another machine, and when she gets a good pay off she immediately cashes out, because it will be a while before it will pay off again.

      I’ve heard this same thing repeated by other frequent gamblers. Sometimes they will combine the oils into one larger bottle including the “I Can, You Can’t” oil, the husband told me that lots of times if you’re winning a lot people will crowd around you trying to get your luck, this oil prevents it, and he wears a pin on his coat lapel that scares away the Evil Eye, so does his wife. And if they have to wash their hands they repeat the procedure to “dress their hands”.

      As I said they either come back winners or will have broken even and had a good time, but they only play what they can afford to lose and never the money to pay the rent and the bills.

      Good Luck.

      Bright Blessings,
      Ms. Q

    2. 🤤🤤🤤🤤
      Ms.Q-- you ALWAYS amaze me with your knowledge! I will try some of these things!! I do not gamble but the next time i do or if i even play bingo I am going to do this!!!
      And THANK YOU for the good words and advice with my 9 yr old son--he is doing a lot better this yr and i think all of it, your advice and prayers have helped a great deal.I keep you in my prayers and hope to see you on your blog again someday soon!!
      Much love from SLC, Utah

  6. Hi For about two months now.Since I lost weight,I noticed everytime I enter my Apartment,my Upper back,my neck,my Shoulders they feel like someone is stabbing a knife right there continuously.Now this week I feel the upper back pain in every room I go to.And my Husband says everytime he Enters the same house he always feels pains in his legs and feet.I noticed once there was a Short Light skin,not soo light Spanish woman in her 50's ,from the time see saw me looking at her she started running,then the pains went away.Her boyfriend was there too,he stayed.He is retired,so he's always there.When I was overweight I hardly felt that pain.The pain was there but only in the kitchen.I put a vodoo doll "for enemies " at the side of the window.So let me know what shall I do ? We have been looking to move out for months ,but was unable to move because of " below the normal credit line.Help...

    1. This is Ms. Q’s niece, if you’ve read the latest post you’d be aware that Ms. Q has suffered a very serious heart attack and has retired from writing her blog or answering in depth any questions or comments or doing any readings or interpretations.

      I did read your post to her and she remarked that it would be best to build up your credit so you can move out.

      She feels that most of your problems of this pain symptoms could be from sub-par electrical wiring.

      It was too long for her to explain to me so I had to research this, it seems that when wiring in homes or apartments is sub-par, that is not up to code, it can cause what some people refer to as a “Faraday Effect” in which people feel they may be watched, or someone is in the room with them when it’s empty, the feeling of ants crawling on their skin and sometimes pain in the upper extremities.

      This can also occur if you live too close to cell phone towers or heavy duty power lines, for those who own their home, having a qualified electrician re-wiring the house solves the problems, but if you live in an apartment the best thing is to move to a much better location.

      Should those pains continue then see a Doctor, it could be how you carry yourself or something that you’ve been eating. But only a Doctor can tell you what is causing it, should it continue.

      Another possibility is that dangerous chemical substances might be stored in your apartment or close to it and it can cause the same reaction. The only way is to get rid of those substances.

      In Ms. Q’s words Bright Blessings
