Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Orion meteor shower and Bowls~~~

Hello Dear Readers,

Do you love Meteor Showers?

I know I do and I get excited about them when the major ones come around but usually I post only information about the major ones when there are TONS of them out there.

But again it depends upon what energy you want to draw from the constellation that they are emanating from.

Right now the Orionids is happening from August 25 to November 19   but the peak time to capture their energy will be on October 22, now if the weather is clear and there’s hardly any moon you’ll be able to see them.

According to Wikipedia The Orionids, is the most prolific meteor shower associated with Halley's Comet. The Orionids are so-called because the point they appear to come from, called the radiant, lies in the constellation Orion, but they can be seen over a large area of the sky. Orionids are an annual meteor shower which last approximately one week in late October. In some years, meteors may occur at rates of 50–70 per hour and is produced by the well-known Halley's Comet

They come from close to the star Betelgeuse which forms one shoulder of the Orion constellation—yes dear Readers,  Betelgeuse pronounced Beetle juice but please don’t say that 3 times or you’ll be borrowing trouble (if you ever watched the movie).

The Orion constellation is one of the oldest known and most easily identifiable constellation in the heavens thanks to the 3 stars that form Orion’s belt.    Even in today’s over lighted (which we need for safety) cities, on a moonless clear sky we can at least see Orion’s belt.  As a matter of fact the constellation of Orion is one that can be clearly seen all over the world, but this constellation (which I’ll refer to as “He”) always appears (in the Northern Hemisphere) around the end of October signaling the end of the harvest season and the beginning of Winter or the hunting season, it’s reversed in the Southern Hemisphere but the meaning is the same.

The legend of Orion the Hunter is somewhat obscured as he appears to be a combination of many mythical Hunter-Heroes from many different areas including Gilgamesh, and the Egyptian god Set, and as an African Rainmaking God,   

Orion is very useful as an aid to locating other stars. For example by extending the line of the Belt southeastward, Sirius the Dog Star can be found and no hunter should be without his hunting dog.

But sailors knew that with the appearance of Orion especially in November, (Northern Hemisphere) stormy seas would appear and fishing would be dangerous, since according to Greek legend Orion was the offspring of Poseidon the sea god.

In Sandra Kynes’ book “Star Magic,”  she gives an excellent exploration as well as a new interpretations of the constellations that is important for 21st century practioners and believes that constellation is not only the male Orion but also Artemis, the huntress, based upon her research that among (and I quote) “early Arab astronomers saw this constellation as a female figure they called al-Jauza. Also, the name of the star Bellatrix, located on the star figure's left shoulder, is Latin, meaning "the female warrior." One other point is that the hour-glass shape of the constellation has a more feminine appearance.”

There is more interesting astronomical information about the constellation Orion but I suggest that you read up about “Him” as a constellation from Wikipedia and if you are interested in doing workings with the stars in mind then by all means purchase Ms. Kynes book “Star Magic” for your magical reference shelf.

So what does the Orion constellation and its meteor showers have to do with “the work”?   Well it depends upon if you are doing it from either a Wicca, witchcraft or conjure view point.    By looking upon it as either a male or preferably, as a female warrior figure. 

Then collecting charged water from this particular shower would be viewed as being used as water for empowerment again to help overcome obstacles.  But since it also appears at it’s peak during the latter part of October (it’s peak will be Oct. 22)  and October is when the veil between the two worlds of matter and spirit are becoming its thinnest,  you should put out a large amount of water, for two reasons, one to use in ritual work or spell workings for empowerment and 2nd the larger amount of water to use in scrying, to make a floating moving magical mirror to scry for images. 

It’s best to have a bowl that is black or a clear bowl that you put on a black non-reflective cloth, pour the Orion/Artimis/al-Jauza meteor water into it, meditate viewing into the water much as one would view into a crystal ball or a solid scrying mirror,  to see into the future, past lives, current happenings, it maybe the image of someone or something associated with them, it could be a feeling or an inspiration, or the sense of not doing a certain form of magic for what purpose you have in mind.    Then when done, drink a glass of plain tap water to break the connection and then pour (using a funnel-plastic) back into the jar that you keep the water in.   I suggest large mason jars to make it easier,  two at least. 

So this meteor water has several uses, in doing “the work” it can be used for empowering yourself or one that needs empowerment, or since it is a hunter constellation to track down and bring to account someone who has done you wrong, or make their lives “stormy”, as well as a use for scrying as a liquid, living mirror.   This water should be kept in a dark cabinet or covered with a dark cloth to not lose its stormy ability.

On a different note:  About Bowls------

I have mentioned bowls frequently, and it’s true we do find ourselves using bowls for different things,  in the ritual cleansing of the hands I suggest a white or blue bowl, in scrying I suggest a black bowl,   when one is mixing powders or dust you’ll be using bowls as well.  

It really is important to keep your “working” bowls separate from the ones you’d use doing your real world cooking and eating.   Always make sure they are separated, the one for ritual washing is never the one for scrying, and the one for mixing powders/dust is also separate.   With the ones for mixing powders/dust/herbs you may need several of them but after each use wash them with lemon scented dish-washing liquid, with the two previous ones just allow them to dry out after their use.

If you cannot find bowls in those colors then the clear bowls made by Anchor Hocking (USA company) or whatever company in your country that makes them, will work just as well but it’s too easy to mix them up, so to make sure put each bowl into or wrapped with a different color cloth, white for washing, black scrying and brown for herbs/powders etc.     

It makes it much easier instead of saying all the time “No NOT that one”.

Bright Blessings,
Ms. Q

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